There are changes to the fee structure of KoinWorks effective from January 1, 2024.
These changes are in line with the regulations of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to enhance transparency and compliance.
Interest & Fee Funding Limits:
- Productive Funding (Business Loans – KoinBisnis/Invoice/Paylater): The funding fee is set at 0.1% per day.
- Consumptive Funding (Personal Loans – KoinGaji): The funding fee is set at 0.3% per day.
Late Payment Penalty Limits:
- Productive Funding (Business Loans – KoinBisnis/Invoice/Paylater): Late payment penalty is set at 0.1% per day.
- Consumptive Funding (Personal Loans – KoinGaji): Late payment penalty is set at 0.3% per day.
Important Note:
All information related to fees mentioned in articles or FAQs published before January 1, 2024, is no longer applicable until that information is updated.