KoinP2P Express Loan has two advantages as follows:
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No waiting time
Mainly for KoinP2P products, lenders fund a loan product and wait until the product is fully funded by other lenders, and after the loan is disbursed, the new yield calculation period runs.
This process takes about 3-7 days.
However, for KoinP2P Express Loan, from the first day the product is marketed, the yield calculation period has started.
So, without waiting, your funds will grow immediately.
Tenor in Days
Normally, the minimum tenor of funding in KoinP2P is 1 month, and also multiples.
However, for the KoinP2P Express Loan product, the unit used is in days.
You will find products with tenors under 1 month, for example 20 days, or products with other day units such as 2 months 15 days.
This unique tenor can certainly be one of the unique characters for lenders who like products with short tenors, and it is also very suitable for lenders who goes for typical products with daily yields.