The Protection Fund will still apply to loans funded through KoinRobo so that security is maintained and losses can be minimized.
Loans funded by KoinRobo loans are protected by 3 different insurances to secure your fund and assure the return as predicted.
Daftar Isi
Insurance Method
KoinWorks affiliated with PT. Mitra Ibisnis Terapan, PT Fuse Nano Tekno, PT Futura Finansial Prosperindo to give credit insurance for selected KoinWorks borrowers. If the borrower is default, then the claim of the credit insurance will be disbursed by the insurance company which it will be cover the initial principal of the borrowers.
KoinRobo product based on machine learning algorithm which will allow the funding to borrowers covered by insurance only.

PT. Mitra Ibisnis Terapan
Premiro managed under PT Mitra Ibisnis Terapan (MIT) , insurance aggregator with technology basis which fully owned by PT Mitra Iswara & Rorimpandey – a well-known insurance aggregator for more than 40 years. Supported by our experience, we can help you to find, compare, and buy the best insurance quality. PT. Mitra Ibisnis Terapan also registered and supervised by OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).

PT Fuse Nano Tekno
Fuse as the newest innovation in insurance world. As the future of insurance technology, Fuse is equipped with the best integrated features. Fuse answers all of your insurance needs, starting giving the best protection, market the insurance, and also managing the policy. Fuse give the easiness policy transaction for partners and customers, offering the trusted insurance product which able to answer all of your concerns. Building a new ecosystem pattern in insurance world which will make the integration between customer, partner, and insurance company easier. Fuse is on platform for all of your insurance activity.

PT Futura Finansial Prosperindo
PasarPolis built in Indonesia since 2015 to revolute complicated insurance, by using the latest technology to expedite all of customer service process since the beginning until the claim.
PasarPolis technology assure all of your experience in doing secured, fast, and reliable transaction in PasarPolis. Package you will find in PasarPolis search engine had been suited with your needs. Supported by PasarPolis customer service team, your security is our priority.
By combining the best features from our insurance technology and protection, PasarPolis committed to give the best protection and experience in your life.