Special for KoinWorks and Shopeepay users, you can win this prize!
Get 5% cashback up to 20K Shopee coins!
You can only get the prize during this September!
Read the terms and conditions first.
Terms and Conditions
- The promo period takes place from 1 – 30 September 2022, 23:59 WIB;
- Promo is valid for purchasing KoinGold using the Shopeepay payment method;
- Minimum purchase of IDR 30,000;
- 5% cashback in the form of shopee coins with a maximum of 20,000;
- Maximum cashback is 1x/user during the promo period;
- Promo only applies to shopeepay plus users;
- Promo is valid for 50 users per day; If the quota for that day has been met, the user will not get cashback and can try again the next day;
- Cashback is sent automatically to the user after the payment using Shopeepay is successfully made;
- Shopee coins cannot be cashed and can only be used for transactions on the Shopee application in accordance with Shopee policies;
- KoinWorks or Shopee has the right to cancel or withdraw cashback if fraud or indication of fraud is found by the user;
- Promos can change at any time with prior notification through the KoinWorks information channel.
With KoinWorks, you only need one click to unlock your financial dream!