Fund KoinRobo with the Auto Rollover Feature, Get Up to 8% Yield

When you fund KoinRobo using the Auto Rollover feature, there are prizes that will give you more profits!

You can get rewarded yields of up to 8%!

Don’t miss it!

This prize is only valid for the month of December 2022.

Come on, see the terms and conditions below!

Terms and Conditions

  1. The promo period lasts from 1-31 December 2022, at 23.59 WIB;
  2. Promo applies to all KoinWorks users;
  3. Promo applies to KoinRobo funding using the Auto Rollover feature;
  4. Promo is valid for funding using the KoinRobo Auto Rollover Extra Rate voucher up to +8% #AUTOCUAN through the KoinWorks application;
  5. Promo applies to KoinRobo Best Performing with a tenor of 1-3 months;
  6. The minimum funding is IDR 100,000 and the maximum funding is IDR 20,000,000;
  7. Extra rate will be automatically added when Rollover is running;
  8. Vouchers can only be used once;
  9. KoinWorks has the right not to give prizes or withdraw prizes if users are detected as irregularities or fraud;
  10. KoinWorks has the right to change the promo terms and conditions at any time if deemed necessary without prior notification.

With KoinWorks, you only need one click to unlock your financial dreams!

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