Get KoinRobo cashback up to IDR 5 million!
This promo is only valid in September!
Check out the terms and conditions below and use the promo now!
Terms and Conditions
- The promo period takes place on 1 – 30 September 2022;
- Promo is valid for all NEO users;
- Promos in the form of 3% cashback with a maximum of 5 million in the form of KoinRobo portfolio/balance;
- Promo is valid for funding KoinRobo with a tenor of 1 – 12 months for all products using a 3% KoinRobo Cashback voucher #NEOINDONESIA through the KoinWorks application;
- You will get cash worth Rp1 as a sign that you have used a KoinRobo voucher and are entitled to get a cashback for the KoinRobo portfolio;
- Promo is valid for a minimum funding of IDR 500,000;
- KoinRobo balance will be given in the form of the Best Performing KoinRobo portfolio with a tenor of 6 months with an interest of 6% p.a; So that at the end of the KoinRobo funding period you will get cashback principal + interest from cashback principal;
- Vouchers can only be used once during the promo period;
- Prizes will be awarded manually at the end of the promo period, a maximum of 12 working days;
- The decisions and terms and conditions related to promos that have been made by KoinWorks cannot be contested;
- KoinWorks has the right to unilaterally change the terms & conditions of the promo without prior notice if fraud is found;
- KoinWorks reserves the right not to give prizes or withdraw prizes if indications of fraud or fraud are found for the use of this promo without prior notification.
With KoinWorks NEO, you only need one click to unlock your business dream!