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What is the impact of recent tax regulations on my returns?


Based on the regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 69/PMK.03/2022 regarding income tax and value added tax on the implementation of financial technology, as of May 1, 2022, KoinWorks will deduct income tax from PPh 23 from the gross amount of return you get as a lenderKoinP2P and KoinRobo products.

Thus, all returns received by KoinWorks customers from yields (interest) as lenders as of May 1, 2022 will automatically be deducted from PPh 23 in the amount of:

  • 15% for Indonesian lenders who have NPWP (Tax Identification Number)
  • 20% for foreign lenders
  • or 30% for Indonesian lenders who do not have NPWP

However, don’t be sad because of this taxation, KoinWorks will provide an interesting offer.

As of May 1 2022, every new funding on will not be subjected to commission a.k.a. COMMISSION FREE!